Help Build a School!
Help promote Education in Africa
We believe that no child should be forced to study outside, or in a dangerous environment. With access to a good education, children can escape poverty.
How we support schools
Across rural Africa, many children have to choose between getting an education and being safe. Without classrooms, they are forced to study under trees, in all weather. They are exposed to the elements, distracted, and unable to learn. For those who do have some shelter, it is often unstable, with holes in the ceiling that let the rain in, leaving children cold and wet, and ruining their work.
In sub-Saharan Africa, 35 million primary age children are out of school.
We’re building safe and secure classrooms, so that children can focus on their learning, and their futures. The situation is particularly troubling for girls, with only one out of four girls in poverty attending school. Through scholarships, distribution of books, math programs and more, Aid for Africa members are making a difference. Click on the highlighted letters in the alphabet below to view members working on these issues.

We are appreciating the donations that are coming in and fuelling construction of state of the art learning facilities. Your helping hand will help us construct the project stone by stone, and your generous donation will go a long way in helping….
“For it is in giving that we receive.” ―St. Francis of Assisi
Donation Methods
1. Lipa na Mpesa – St. Cecilia Academy
Paybill Number: 400222 // Account No: 579914#
2. Co-operative Bank of Kenya
Account No: 01128690978500 // Swift Code: KCOOKENAXXX
Accountability of your donations
With the onset of government regulations on the quality of school structures and with our accord of improving the learning environment of the students, it became necessary to build new structures as well as improve on the existing structures. You can find the about and progress of the ongoing construction project by clicking here.
We are appreciate the donations that are coming in and fueling construction of state of the art learning facilities. Your helping hand will help us construct the project stone by stone for students as well as assist the poor members of the society who live below the poverty line ( most survive on less than $1 a day) and have been affected heavily with the advent of corona virus.
The church (St. Charles Lwanga Catholic parish) is on the front line in making sure that the financially disabled members of the society are not left alone. Your generous donation will go a long way in helping a troubled soul who probably do not know where the next meal is going to come from.
The church is also distributing water via a watering tap accessible to the members of the public. More so, the church donates masks and sanitizers to help combat coronavirus. Your donations could make a soul smile, it’s a touch for a troubled soul.
Thou that gives generously is blessed. We appreciate you and may you be blessed abundantly.