Child Welfare

Solidarity Fund for Needy Children

Policies and Procedures

  1. The foundation council will examine the request of the financial support from needy families and to decide who to grant the scholarship
  2. The scholarship can be fill partial.
  3. The annual renewal of the scholarship will not be obvious but will be based on the child’s general performance and the social economic conditions of the family.


Your response

Please go beyond and participate in the transformation of another life.
Boarding school fees per term:
Primary: Ksh.22, 000/ JS: Ksh. 25, 000
Any amount of your donation is appreciated.
May you be blessed for transforming the life of a needy child.
Cooperative Bank
St. Cecilia Child Welfare
Acc. 01128468600000
Paybill 400222 – Account 1146079#your name

Together to make a difference

In 2022, we launched the St Cecilia Childs Welfare Foundation to support the welfare of the children in need. We created a solidary kit to support the welfare of the children from the disadvantaged families.

Education is Not a Luxury Reserved for a Privileged Few

Every child should have the right and opportunity to get the basic education possible. This echoes St. Cecilia Community Learning Centre’s inclusive and equality philosophy, where children of different social status should have the opportunity to access education. 

to emphasize on the education of the children from the needy families, Thomas Jefferson asserted: “the child of the poor must be thus educated at a common expense.”

The Power of Education & Training

Fight against poverty through education and training. Where poverty is constant, it is possible to imagine a better reality only through access to education and training, the cornerstones on which the growth of a people rests. Education is the condition for access to the world of work, to an active and healthy life, to political and social participation. ABBA has made this right a priority and is committed to ensuring that the new generation can become a key player in its socio-economic development.